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Below a redwood at Henry Cowell SP

Last month, I spent an afternoon at Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park in the Santa Cruz Mountains of California.

It was 80 degrees outside but felt like 60 in the park. If you’re looking for sunshine avoid redwoods, they own it.

I won’t attempt to describe these trees beyond the fact that they’re huge. But I will say that Henry Cowell Redwoods SP has a couple defining features:  more trees than people, and quietude.

Depending on the nature of your studies abroad, maybe a day at a tree’s pace will do some good. See LonelyPlanet’s list of international tree reserves.

If you’re more than a tree tourist, the University of Minnesota’s Department of Plant Biology offers international research programs through the National Science Foundation.

In any case, here’s a picture I took of a squirrel at the park:


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